Episode 37 – Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius is to laws as Romulus and Remus are to violence.

Following in the wake of the violent founding of Rome, a king is chosen for his steady character, disinterest in being a leader, and Sabine heritage.

Let the Doctors take you in the rule of Numa Pompilius, the second monarch recognised from the founding of the city, who secured the favour of the divine Egeria.

Click on the link to listen or download:

Episode 37: Numa Pompilius

La ninfa Egeria dictando a Numa Pompilio las leyes de Roma

Ulpiano Checa, La ninfa Egeria dictando a Numa Pompilio las leyes de Roma. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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Drs R and G laugh and spar their way through the ancient Roman world!


  1. Can you please provide a download link when there are posted, so we can listen to this at our leisure?

    • November 2, 2014

      Hi Andrew, currently these posts can be accessed through itunes and are freely available to download! Just search for The Partial Historians

  2. Ron
    November 14, 2021

    “Egeria! sweet creation of some heart
    ⁠Which found no mortal resting-place so fair
    ⁠As thine ideal breast; whate’er thou art
    ⁠Or wert,—a young Aurora of the air,
    ⁠The nympholepsy of some fond despair
    ⁠Or—it might be—a Beauty of the earth,
    ⁠Who found a more than common Votary there
    ⁠Too much adoring—whatsoe’er thy birth,
    Thou wert a beautiful Thought, and softly bodied forth.

    The mosses of thy Fountain still are sprinkled
    ⁠With thine Elysian water-drops; the face
    ⁠Of thy cave-guarded Spring, with years unwrinkled,
    ⁠Reflects the meek-eyed Genius of the place,
    ⁠Whose green, wild margin now no more erase
    ⁠Art’s works; nor must the delicate waters sleep
    ⁠Prisoned in marble bubbling from the base
    ⁠Of the cleft statue, with a gentle leap
    The rill runs o’er and round, fern, flowers, and ivy, creep…”

    • The Partial Historians
      November 16, 2021

      What a poet! Life is often improved with a little Lord Byron. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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